Outputs: 1/4" Thru, 1/4" Speaker Output.Display Type: Single Analog Strobe Disc.External Input And Through Output With Mute - For In-Line, Silent Tuning During Performances.Enhanced Clarity For Upper And Lower Register Notes - +2/-1 Display Feature Shifts The Strobe Patterns Into More Visible Middle Ranges - Bass Note Patterns Can Be Displayed Two Octaves Higher And Treble Note Patterns Can Be Displayed One Octave Lower In Strobe Display.

Automatic Image Clarity And Contrast Control - Internal Compensation For Optimal Viewing Over A Wide Range Of Source Pitch And Volume.And as usual, only a Peterson can respond at the speed of light to display relative tuning information extracted from any audio source down to 0.1 of a cent (1/1000 of a semitone) accuracy! Finally, utilize automatic (hands-free) note selection for fast tune ups of instruments. It combines both input instrument tone and audio standard reference tone at the output for simultaneous visual and audible tuning along with exceptional intonation training! The 590’s key features (automatic note tracking and audio tone generation capabilities) make it a favorite in the classroom, at the factory, or backstage. The AutoStrobe 590 is THE preeminent mechanical strobe tuner for tone generation and metronome facilities. It combines input audio for contrast against on-board reference pitches. The AutoStrobe 590 is a mechanical tuner that comes complete with built in tone generation and a metronome via headphones or internal speaker output.