Our learning approach is able to distinguish and extract key elements such as register-allocated and memory-allocated variables usually not evident in the stripped binary. Our focus is on recovering symbol names, types and locations, which are critical source-level information wiped off during compilation and stripping. Using machine learning, we first train probabilistic models on thousands of non-stripped binaries and then use these models to predict properties of meaningful elements in unseen stripped binaries. We present a novel approach for predicting debug information in stripped binaries.
Moreover, other code fragments such as types, fields, methods, statements and expressions could also be classified, with average accuracies of 99.5%, 91.4%, 95.2%, 88.3% and 78.1%, respectively. The system is able to label expert and novice programs with an average accuracy of 99.6%. The proposed approach is applied to the problem of labeling the expertise level of Java programmers. Those syntax patterns are used to enrich the context information of each AST, allowing the classification of compound heterogeneous tree structures.

In this article, we propose a new approach to classify ASTs using traditional supervised-learning algorithms, where a feature learning process selects the most representative syntax patterns for the child subtrees of different syntax constructs. The main difficulty of building such models comes from the heterogeneous and compound structures of ASTs, and that traditional machine learning algorithms require instances to be represented as n-dimensional vectors rather than trees.
Syntactic models process Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) of source code to build systems capable of predicting different software properties. Open-source code repositories are a valuable asset to creating different kinds of tools and services, utilizing machine learning and probabilistic reasoning. Moreover, we document the binary patterns used by our classifier to allow their addition in the implementation of existing decompilers. Our system is able to predict function return types with a 79.1% F1-measure, whereas the best decompiler obtains a 30% F1-measure.
A dataset is created with a collection of real open-source applications plus a huge number of synthetic programs. We automatically instrument C source code to allow the association of binary patterns with their corresponding high-level constructs. In this article, we build different classification models capable of inferring the high-level type returned by functions, with significantly higher accuracy than existing decompilers. Massive codebases could be used to build supervised machine learning models aimed at improving existing decompilers. Although existing decompilers commonly obtain source code with the same behavior as the binaries, that source code is usually hard to interpret and certainly differs from the original code written by the programmer.

Decompilers are used when it is necessary to understand or analyze software for which the source code is not available. In software reverse engineering, decompilation is the process of recovering source code from binary files.